Minggu, 26 Juni 2011


Grammar structure

v  Simple present tense

Ungkapan peristiwa yang sudah menjadi ke biasaan (HABITUALACTION)yang
Terjadi di masa lampau, sekarang,dan kemungkinan di masa yang akan datang.


Subject + verb 1

Example :1.I/you /they/we play badminton every night
               2.She/he  watches television everyday

Negative :
Subject +don’t/doesn’t+verb1

Example: 1.I/you/they/we don’t eat every early morning
                2,she / he doesn’t lookcircus everi morning

Does/do+subject+verb  1

Example:1.do i/you/they/we study every day?
               2.doesshe /he take anap every afternoon?

     Setiap subjectShe /He di kalimat affirmative kata kerja harus di tambah

1.I /you/ they /we/nama orang lebih dari satu……………………………..Do

2.she /he nama orang tunggal…………………………………………….does

v  Present continous tense

Ungkapan peristiwa yang terjadipada saat sedang di bicarakan atau sedang
Di lakukan pada hari ini ,mingguini,bulan ini,dan tahun ini.

Subject+am/is/are+verb ing

Example :1.i am waching televisionnow
                2.you/they/we are eating thismoment
                3.she/he is beginning studytoday

Subject+am/is/are+verb ing

Example:1.I amnot playingplaystation today
               2.You /they/we aren’t fightingin tarmili yard now
               3.she/he isn’t looking circus atpresent

Am/is/are+subject+verb ing

Example:1.am I going to new york now?
               2.are you/we/they sweeping classroom today?
               3.is she/he cleaning bed room atpresent?


keterangan waktu:

now =sekarangat present =sekarangtoday =hari inithis moment =saat ini

v  present perfect tense
ungkapan peristiwa yang menyatakankegiatan / peristiwa yang telah
di lakukan hasil kegiatan ataukegiatan yang telah di mulai dan masih terus

Subject+have/has+verb 3

Example:1.i/you/they/we havebought book just now.
               2.she/he has written a lettersince yesterday

Subject+haven’t/hasn’t+verb 3

Example:1.i/you/they/we haven’tcome back just now
               2.she/he hasn’t gone to paris since 2006

Has/have+subject+verb 3

Example:1.have i/you/we/they eatenlunch just now ?
               2.hasshe / he taken a nap in bedroom ?

i/you/they/we ……………………………………………….haveshe/he…………………………………………………………has

keterangan waktu:

·        just now =baru saja
·        once =sekali
·        twice =dua kali
·        already=sudah

v  present perfect continous
unkapan peristiwa yang menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telahdi mulai
di waktu lampau dan masih terus berlangsung hingga saat dinyatakan .

subject+have/has been+verb ing

Example:1.i/you/they/we have been taking a nap for sevenhours
              2,she/he has been walking pangkalan bun town for two hours

Subject+haven’t/hasn’t been+verb ing

Example:1.i/you/they/we haven’t eating dinner for one hour
         2.she/he hasn’t going to yellow castlefor four hours

Have/has +subject been+verb ing

Example:1.have i/you/they/we been looking for her phone forone hour?
         2.has she/he been crying since thirtyminute ago?

Note:untuk kalimat negative jarang sekali di gunakan

i/you/they/we………………………………………………..have beenshe/he………………………………………………………..has been

keterangan waktu:

for two weeks=selamaa 2 minggufor  =selama since
and another time

v  Simple past tense
Ungkapan peristiwa yang terjadidan di mulai di masa lampau
Dan berakhir dan selesai pada masalampau.

Subject +verb 2

    Example:1.i/you/they/we went last year
              2.she/he bought a new caryesterday

Subject+didn’t+verb 1

Example:1.i/you/they/we didn’t goto Honshu island last year                                         
               2.she/he didn’t come to ceremonyyesterday


Example:1.did i/you/they/we sleeplast night?
                 2.didshe/he eat lunch yesterday?

Note:setiap kalimat negative danintrogative kata kerjanya harus kembali
        Ke bentuk semula

Keterangan waktu:

·        Last year =tahun lalu
·        Last night =malam tadi
·        Last month =bulan lalu
·        Yesterday =kemarin
·        Just now =baru saja
·        Last week =minggu lalu

And another time

All subject use to be Did

v  Past continos tense
Ungkapan peristiwa yang menunjukan2 aktivitasyng di lakukan di waktu lampau
Dan satu kegiatan terjadi ketikakegiatan lainnya sedang berlangsung.juga untuk
Menyatakan kegiatan yang terjaadidi saat tertentudi waktu lampau ,dan juga bila
2 kegiatan sekaligus di lakukanpada waktu yang bersamaaan.

Subject+was/were+verb ing

Example:1.i/she/he was wachingtelevision when you buy a book yesterday
         2,you/they/we were eating dinner in McDonald when Vaan came to Mc                                                     donald

    Subject+wasn’t/were not+verbing
    Example:1.i/she/he wasn’t stying in hospital when you came to hospitallast year
              2.you/they/we were not visitingtanjung putting national park when he forewent tanjung putting national park

Introgative :
Was/were+subject+verb ing

Example.1.Was i/she/he studying inMTs tarmili when you began study yesterday?
         2.were you/they/we reding in librarywhen I looked you in library?

Note:1.past continous………..when……………………….past tense
  2.past continous…………while/as……………..present continous tense

Keterangan waktu :

Yesterday=kemarinLast night=malam tadiLast year=tahun laluLast week=minggu lalu
And another time


v  Past perfect tense
Ungkapan peristiwa yangmengungkapkan suatu kegiatan yang telah
Di selesaikan sebelum kegiatan kegiatanlainnya di waktu yang

Subject+had+verb 3

Example:1.they/i/you/we had gonebefore I arrived
               2.she/he had finished dinner bythe time I got home

Subject+had not+verb 3

Example:1.the children had not fallena sleep when we got home
               2.they had not washed thevegetsble before they cooked in kitchen

     Had+subject+verb 3

     Example:1had youwashed  the vegetable when they cooked inthe kitchen?
              2.had the children fallen a sleepwhen we got home?

Keterangan waktu:

·        When=ketika
·        Since=sejak
·        Before=sebelum
·        After=setelah

All subject use Tobe Had

v  Past perfect continous tense
Ungkapan peristiwa untukmenyatakan lamanya suatu terjadi sebelum
Kegiatan yang lain nya terjadisebelum kegiatan lainyatejadi dalam waktu
Yang lampau

Subject+had been+verb ing

Example:1.we had been waiting fortwo hours before he arrived
               2.she had been crying when I gothome

Subject+had not been+verb ing

Example:1.i had not been visitingjava when you came to java
               2.she had not been crying when Igot home

Had+subject+been+verb ing

Example:1.had she been crying whenI got home?
               2.had you been visiting javawhen he came to java?

Keterangan waktu:

·        When=ketika
·        Since=sejak
·        For =selama
·        Before=sebelum
·        After=sesudah

All subject use to be had been

v  Simple future tense
Ungakapan perisyiwa yangterjadidan di mulai di masa yang akan datang/
Masa depan dengan menggunakan kataBantu will/shall/be going to.

Subject+will/shall+verb 1

Example:1.i/you/they/we will cometo your ceremony tomorrow
               2.she/he shall(will) eat in McDonald next week

Subject+will no(won’t)t/shallnot+verb 1

Example:1.i/you/they/we won’tliving in new yorknext year
               2.she/he shallnot(won’t)sweeping in school tonight

Shall /will +subject+verb 1

Example:1.will i/you/they/we eatin Mc Donald tomorrow?
              2.shall she/he beginto study next time?

Keteranagan waktu:

·        Next time = nanti
·        Next week = minggu depan
·        Next year = tahun depan
·        Tonight = malam ini
·        Tomorrow = besok

And another time

1.     i/you/we/they…………………………………………will
2.     she/he………………………………………………shall/will

v  future continous tense
ungkapan peristiwa yang di gunakanuntuk menyatakan kegiatan
yang akan  berlangsung pada saat tertentu di waktu yangakan datang.

Subject+will be+verb ing

Example:1.i will be playingbadminton if you follow me tonight
         2.she/he will be swimming when youvisit salsabila pool

Subject+will not be+verb ing

Example:1.i will not be playingbadminton if you follow me tomorrow
         2.she/he will not be swimming when youvisit  salsabila pool at four in the         afternoon

    Will+subject be+verb ing

     Example:1.willyou be playing badminton if I follow you tomorrow?
        2.will she/he be swimming in theswimming pool when you visit salsa bila pool at four in the afternoon?  

All Subject can use tobe shall / will

Keterangan waktu:

tomorrow=besoknext time=nantinext week=minggu depan tonight=malam initomorrow afternoon=besok siang
and the other time

v  future perfect tense
ungkapan peristiwa yang di gunakanuntuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan
di selesaikan sebelum waktu yanglain atau kejadian di waktu yang akan

Affirmative :
Subject+will have+verb 3

Example:1.they will have publishedthe dictionary by January next year
         2.Dayat will accomplished grammar bookby the time you want to publish it

Subject+will not have+verb 3

Example:1.they will not havepublished the dictionary by January next year
         2.Dayat will noy accomplished grammarbook by the time you want to publish it

Will+subject+have+verb 3

Example:1.will they have publishedthe dictionary by January next year?
         2.will dayat accomplished grammar bookby the time you want to publish it?

Keterangan waktu:

·        by tomorrow=menjelang besok
·        by Sunday=menjelang hari minggu
·        by this week=menjelang minggu ini
·        in two days=dalam 2 hari ini
·        by next year=menjelang tahun depan

and another time

all subject can use willhave(shall)

v  past future perfect tense
ungkapan yang menyatakan suatutindakan seyogianya telah akan terjadi jika suatu tindakan lain di penuhi tetapikarena tidak di penuhi tense ini muncul
untuk mengandaikan saja  dengan kata lain perbuatan yang di nyatakantidak
dilakukan.tense ini biasanya dipakai dalam kalimat pengandaian(conditional).

Subject+would have+verb 3

Example:1she would have passed thetest if she had studied hard
               2.the baby would have grown wellif the mother had taken care of him  

Subject+would not have+verb 3

Example:1she would not have passedthe test if she had studied hard
               2.the baby would not have grownwell if the mother had taken care of him 

Would+subject have+verb 3

Example:1would she have passed thetest if she had studied hard?
               2.would the baby have grown wellif the mother had taken care of him?

Keterangan waktu:

·        on…..last week=pada hari…….minggu lalu
·        on Sunday last week=pada hari minggu lalu
·        in……last year=pada…….tahun lalu
·        at ……..yesterday=pada…….kemarin

all subject can use tobe would

v  past future tense
ungkapanperistiwa untuk menyatakan keadaan yang seyogianya akan terjadi
di waktu lampau bila suatuperbuatan lain juga terjadi .past future tense biasanya di gunakan dalamkalimat pengandaian.

Subject+would+verb 1

Example:1.he would delay thejourneyif he were not healty
         2.the baby would cry if he werethirsty

   Subject+would not +verb 1

      Example:1.hewould not delay the journey if he were  healty
         2.the baby would not cry if he werenot thirsty

Would+subject+verb 1

      Example:1.wouldhe delay the journey if he were  healty?
         2.would the baby cry if he were notthirsty?

Keterangan waktu:

·        last month=bulan Lalu
·        yesterday=kemarin
·        last week=minggu lalu
·        the day before=kemarin dulu

all subject can use to be would

v  past future continous
ungkapan peristiwa untukmenyatakan bahwa suatu kejadian/peristiwa
akan berlangsung,tetapidalam kurunwaktu yang telah lampau.kalimat dalam
bentuk ini umumnya di gunakan padakalimat tak langsung.

Subject+should/would+be+verb ing

Example:1.he would be living injakarka on Sunday
               2.i/you/they/we would walking inHonshu island next week

 Subject+should/would not+verb ing

Example:1.he/she would not beliving in jakarka on Sunday
               2.i/you/they/we would notwalking in Honshu island next week

Should/would+subject+verb ing

Example:1.would he/she be livingin jakarka on Sunday ?
         2.would i/you/they/we walking in Honshu island next week?

Keterangan waktu:

Tomorrow=besokNext year=tahun depanOn………=pada………..Next month=bulan depanNext Sunday=pada hari mingguNext week=minggu depanNext time=nanti

And another time

All subject can use would/should

v  Future perfect continous tense
Ungkapan peristiwa /kejadian yangdi awalai pada masa lampau namun masih tetap berlangsung hingga masa akandatang.

Subject+shall/will+have been+verbing

Example:1.you/we/they shall havebeen working in this company for two years by         this month
         2.she/he will have been finishing thehome work for one hourbefore the teacher come          

   Subject+ shall/will not+ havebeen+verb ing

Example:1.you/we/they shall nothave been working in this company for two years by         this month
         2.she/he will not have been finishingthe home work for one hourbefore the teacher come          

shall/will+ Subject+ havebeen+verb ing

Example:1 shall you/we/they havebeen working in this company for two years by         this month?
         2.will she/he will have been finishingthe home work for one hourbefore the teacher come ?

keterangan waktu:

·        By the end of………..=menjelang akhir………….
·        By the end of this week=menjelang akhir mingguini
·        By the end of this month=menjelang akhir bulanini

And the other time

v  Past future perfect continous
Ungkapan perisyiwa yangmengungkapakan kejadian/peristiwa ,yang sudah sedang terjadi /berlangsung ataupun yang sudah tidak berlangssung pada masa lampau.

Subject+should/would+havebeen+verb ing

Example:1.i/you/they/we shouldhave been trying for two years by last September
               2.she/he would have beenattempting for one month by last may

     Subject+should/would+have been+verb ing

   Example:1.i/you/they/we should not have been trying for two years bylast September
               2.she/he would not have been attemptingfor one month by last may

    should/would+Subject+ havebeen+verb ing

         Example:1. should .i/you/they/we havebeen trying for two years by last September?
                       2. would she/he havebeen attempting for one month by last may?

Keterangangan waktu:

By last….=menjelang akhir….By last week =menjelang akhir mingguBy the end of…….=menjelang akhir bulanBy the end of this month=menjelang akhir bulan iniBy …..last year=menjelang……tahun laluBy june last year=menjelang juni tahun lalu

Question word

mungkin question word biasanya di gunakan sebagai awalan dari sebuah pertanyaan (menurut saya)
okeee saya akan sebutkan question word:
what= apa
when= kapan
where= dimana
with whom=dengan siapa
whose=milik siapa

how long=berapa lama
how far=berapa jauh
mungkin seitu saja


Terkadang kita meminta tolong kepada seseorang ,mungkin dengan ungkapan seperti ini "dapatkah anda membantu saya?".
nah sekarang kita akan membahas tentang penggunaan "can"
rumus membuat kalimat menggunakan CAN :
Can + subject(i,you,they,we ,she ,he,it )+verb bentuk ke satu
contoh :can you help me?
biasanya respon dari penjawab seperti ini: yes i can atau sorry i can't(can not)
sekarang ke WOULD:
di sini saya akan memberitahu cara menawarkan sesuatu dengan b.Inggris
would+subject+like to+verb bentuk ke satu
contoh :
would you like to eat(apakah kami ingin makan?)
respon penjawab:
yes i would like
atau no thanks

ya mohon maaf jika ada salah (itu versi saya)


Terkadang kita meminta tolong kepada seseorang ,mungkin dengan ungkapan seperti ini "dapatkah anda membantu saya?".
nah sekarang kita akan membahas tentang penggunaan "can"
rumus membuat kalimat menggunakan CAN :
Can + subject(i,you,they,we ,she ,he,it )+verb bentuk ke satu
contoh :can you help me?
biasanya respon dari penjawab seperti ini: yes i can atau sorry i can't(can not)
sekarang ke WOULD:
di sini saya akan memberitahu cara menawarkan sesuatu dengan b.Inggris
would+subject+like to+verb bentuk ke satu
contoh :
would you like to eat(apakah kami ingin makan?)
respon penjawab:
yes i would like
atau no thanks

ya mohon maaf jika ada salah (itu versi saya)

Ungkapan agree or disagree

terkadang kita mengungkapkan kesetujuan kita atau tidak setujunya kita terhadap sesuatu.
nah sekarang saya akan memberitahu cara agar mengungkapkanya melalui b.inggris.
biasanya yang di tanyakan adalah:
do you agree with my opinian?
how about (VERB +ING)?
don't you think (that)?
nah diatas pertanyaannya .sekarang ungkapan setujunya:
i agree with you
you are right
that's true
no doubt about it
nah untuk ungkapan tidak setuju:
i disagree
i can't agree
i don't think so
i am not sure about that

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Introduce (perkenalan)

Untuk introduce mungkin sangat mudah,tapi jika kita dalami lebih mendalam mungkin kita bisa menguasai introduce dengan sempurna.
Pada introduce mungkin kita hanya mengandalkan my name.......atau keterangan yang simple tentang diri kita.

contoh Introduce (perkenalan)
My name is.............(nama kamu)
I live at............(tempat tinggal)
My hobby is..............(Hobi kalian)
My number phone..........(nomor hp/rumah)
I am a student (status kamu,bisa pelajar,atau pekerjaan)
I am 14 years old (umur kamu)
I have .... sister and ... brother (Jumlah saudara kalian)

Dibawah ini adalah tambahan
I am the youngest (saya adalah anak bungsu)
I am the oldest (saya anak sulung)

sebenarnya banyak tapi saya rasa cukup untuk perkenalan